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How To Use FlexEx / Exercises


bw-over-finger-nail.jpg bw-side-view.jpg bw-open-hand.jpg
To use, place loop over each finger touching the bottom of the fingernail as shown. Angle hand slightly (~45″) as shown

Slowly spread the fingers apart and then relax them slowly. 15-30 repetitions in one to three sets










 1. All Finger Full Extension
Slowly spread the fingers apart and then relax them slowly. Repeat









 2. Thumb Blocking
Place thumb in one loop. Hold other loops in hand or place another finger in the same loop. Slowly extend the thumb upwards. Relax thumb slowly. Repeat









 3. Finger Adduction
Place two adjacent fingers in one loop. Slowly spread the ringers apart and then relax them slowly.









 4. Finger Adduction
Place the finger to be exercised in loop. Place a finger from the other hand into the loop as anchor. Spread the finger to be exercises. Now pull the finger against the resistance. Repeat.









 5. Isolated Finger Full Extension
Exercise individual digits. Place one finger in one loop and and thumb in opposite loop. slowly spread the finger against the resistance. Use the other hand to stabilize the thumb. Relax finger slowly. Repeat









6. Isolated Flexion
Place one finger in one loop, palm facing up. Hold the remaining loops with the other hand. Slowly raise the finger against the resistance. Keep the other three fingers rested on the other hand. Relax finger slowly. Repeat.









7. Thumb-Little Finger Spread
Place the thumb in one loop and the little finger in an opposite loop. Spread thumb and little finger apart against the resistance. Repeat. 

Whenever needed use your other hand/finger and/or solid surface to stabilize.




All exercises can be performed with all levels of resistance.

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